Education to Employment

While access to education has increased globally, many young people fail to receive a quality and relevant education. The effects are clear: students aren’t learning in the classroom and our education systems are not preparing job seekers for the current labor market. Globally, 201 million people are out of work resulting in social and political unrest, hindered economic growth, and prolonged “scarring effects” on jobless individuals.

The global unemployment crisis demands innovative and comprehensive education and training solutions to respond to rapidly changing employment needs. SDA partners with educational institutions, corporations, foundations, NGOs, and governments to strengthen the education to employment pathway.

Our Expertise:

    • Labor market analysis. We undertake rigorous desk and field research to identify sectors that will drive economic growth and create jobs.

    • Intervention strategy and theory of change. We develop theories of change for our clients, helping them align on vision and mission as well as set priorities to better target their interventions and improve education and employment outcomes.

    • Education system & program design. We help our clients understand best practices and innovations in vocational education and skills training, and we work alongside them to develop their education systems and programs.

    • Investment strategy. We zoom in on investments matching client goals. We conduct due diligence and provide investment considerations across geographies ranging from vocational and work readiness programs to education investment funds.

    • Stakeholder engagement and partnership development. We facilitate matchmaking across public and private sectors to combine strengths and ensure that education programs meet the demands of dynamic labor markets.

    • Impact evaluation. We work with clients to create tools that measure impact. We use impact evaluation to refine our clients’ strategies and ensure they have the right partnerships and organizational structure to meet their objectives.