Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure is a backbone of development: power lines deliver energy to homes and businesses; pipes provide clean water to drink; roads, railways, and bridges connect communities; and internet connectivity fosters new digital economies. Sustainable infrastructure has the power to bolster the economic growth, resilience, health, and environments of entire nations.

SDA combines strategic, commercial and technical expertise with the key economic infrastructure sectors, thus providing robust and reliable business case advice. We operate in the project finance market, providing strategy and transaction advice across all modes and sectors, including transport, energy, water, and cities, helping clients maximise the value of their infrastructure assets. Our team provides advice upon which to make value for money decisions for public sector sponsors, investors, and existing asset owners.

Our Expertise:

    • Comprehensive project support. Our work encompasses four pillars of project lifecycle: project evaluation, transaction support, due diligence, and market analysis. Project evaluation includes financial viability assessment, business case-making, cost benefit analysis, risk assessment and mitigation.  Transaction support includes operational management support and training, procurement coordination, bid management.  Due diligence provides support to lenders, advice to secondary investors, arbitration and mediation.  Our market analysis undertakes population and employment modelling, market research, demand forecasting, pricing and tariff advice.

    • Strategies for inclusive and sustainable infrastructure. Through rigorous research, analysis, and stakeholder engagement with partners and engineering experts, we help our clients build strategies at regional, national, and local levels that align partner incentives and optimize benefits for both economies and communities. We also provide policy advice, comprising reviews of policy regimes, analysis and modelling of regulatory environments, and stakeholder analysis and engagement. 

    • Bankable, inclusive, and sustainable projects. We work with financial investors and project developers to move projects from concepts to investable programs, and to match them with the right investors. We develop innovative financing structures and platforms that combine public and private sources of blended capital towards infrastructure projects.

    • Support more efficient use of infrastructure assets. We advise private utility companies and parastatals on organizational change and restructuring to enhance productivity and improve service to customers