Joe Capp

Brazilian, 20 years of extensive experience in strategy and development, including, public sector, PPPs/ concessions, CSR, and sustainable growth;

Industrial Engineer (University of São Paulo), with MBA at London Business School (LBS), Msc in Development Mgmt. at London School of Economics (LSE);

Int. experience: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, USA, France, United Kingdom, South Africa. Double citizenship (Brazilian/ Italian);

Professional Experiences

  • McKinsey & Co: Six years of experience in McKinsey Mercosur in sectors as media, telecom, retail, financial services, consumer goods, government and NGOs;

  • Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI): Country Representative for Brazil, working with all spheres of Government for supporting green growth and climate change reduction projects;

  • The Office of Tony Blair: Senior advisor and Representative for Latin America, leading the Government Advisory Practice in the Region;

  • Dalberg Global Development Advisors: Partner leading the Latin American Hub and the Santiago/ Chile office for more than 3 years;

  • Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos (EBP): EBP is a joint-venture of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the main players of Project Finance industry in the country for supporting Public Administrations across the country in structuring their PPP projects. Project Director, leading concession structuring in the sectors such as sanitation, roads and airports, among others;

  • World Bank & Inter-American Development Bank: Consultant to the Foreign Affairs Division (Paris) and the Private Sector Department (Washington DC) respectively..

Expertise & Skills

    • Strategic Planning (public, private, non profit sectors)

    • Public Policy Development

    • Re-design of organizational structures, business processes

    • New business initiatives/ partnerships development

    • Project finance

    • Highly complex problem structuring/solving

    • Project management

    • Economic/ Financial analysis and modeling

    • Thought leadership

Expertise Areas

  • Climate Change Strategy/ Green Growth Planning

  • Socioeconomic Development

  • PPP (Public-Private Partnerships)

  • Regional economic/ cluster development

  • Business environment & Private sector development

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Social entrepreneurship