
Our world is rapidly changing. Geopolitical and economic balances are shifting and new multilateral and regional institutions are emerging. Organizations around the world face important questions about how to fulfill their core mission, respond to political and environmental changes, and deliver services to citizens despite reduced budgets. To answer these questions, organizations must undertake rigorous strategic planning—a process that can be difficult, especially in the context of an environment with numerous and often divergent interests and priorities.

We support governments, multilateral organizations, corporations, NGOs, and foundations to design strategies that will maximize their impact, either at the organizational level or for specific programs and markets. Working in collaboration with senior leaders, we help organizations set a vision for strategic outcomes, build a robust fact base, rigorously assess options under uncertainty, design an actionable plan, win support from key stakeholders, and evaluate progress from design through execution to ensure that strategies have lasting impact.

What we do

    • Vision definition: We define clear and compelling visions that are long-lasting, and allow for scale-up, innovation, and mobilization of stakeholders.

    • Organizational strategies: We design detailed plans and disruptive business models that align our clients’ talent, financial resources, and partners with their goals and value propositions.

    • New initiatives and programs: We support our clients to set up transformative value propositions for new initiatives and programs by conducting detailed reviews of the space in which they operate and defining relevant positioning.

    • Implementation roadmaps: We design detailed action plans that clearly pave the road for our clients’ new endeavors. Our unique, on-the-ground presence and networks allow us to provide operational guidance in complex settings.