Market Design & Economic Regulation

With a comprehensive toolkit of market, regulatory and institutional measures, we advise governments and international institutions on policy design and assist corporates on how to engage with the policy agenda. We apply cutting-edge solutions to address market failures in the management of network utilities, natural resources, and environmental outcomes. We leverage our cross sectoral knowledge base to design policy instruments which facilitate a broad-based transition towards sustainable growth and development.

Our work spans sectors such as energy, water, and land-use, and our advice assists clients in reducing the cost of capital, securing resilience, promoting natural capital, and extending access to basic services to vulnerable groups. Our policy insights have also guided multinational companies to assess risks and opportunities so they can make informed investments in new and existing markets. Our recommendations are always actionable and rooted in the local context.

Our expertise

  • Institutional design: where our insights in financial markets and mechanism design inform policies to introduce competition in network sectors

  • Market models: where natural capital valuation frameworks incentivise the provision of eco-system services, for instance.

  • Economic regulation: where our econometric modelling frameworks can be used to set utility customer bills by estimating efficient costs, for instance.

  • Investment planning: where our models generate climate and socio economic scenarios, which can be used to plan the expansion of networks and generate adaptive resource management plans.

  • Policy impact assessment: where our market and macroeconomic models expose the effects of reforms on sectoral profitability along value chains, consumer prices, and macroeconomic growth