Eleandro Ferronatto

Entrepreneur, 22 years of experience in business development, startups, management and business organization.

Mechatronics Engineer (University of São Paulo), with an MBA in Strategic and Business Economic Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

Development and structuring of businesses in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, with experience in foreign trade, especially China and India.

Dual citizenship: Brazilian/Italian.


Experiências Profissionais

  • SDA Desenvolvimento: consultant specialized in foreign trade.

  • CEFER Consultoria Empresarial: partner/owner of a business consulting company for the development / remodeling of businesses and implementation of industries in the Manaus Free Trade Zone industrial hub with tax reduction / exemption.

  • Dowertech da Amazônia: partner/owner of the electronic electricity meter industry - the company underwent an M&A process by the Chinese multinational Wasion.

  • Sharewater: partner/owner of a company specialized in planning, designing and executing services for water and sewage.

  • Dowertech Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento: partner/owner, company dedicated to the design and development of consumer products.

Expertise & Habilidades

    • Business management

    • Strategic planning

    • Business / product development

    • Foreign trade

    • M&A