Fernando Ruiz

Brazilian, more than 15 years of extensive experience in the consulting and academic fields, with a large experience abroad, having studied, worked or visited more than 100 countries.

Electronic Engineer (University of São Paulo), with an MBA experience at ESSEC (Paris/France), MSc. in Business at FEA/USP (Brazil), a Ph.D. in Strategy at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP/Brazil) and with experience in other international universities (Andres Bello – Chile, Babson College and Harvard – USA).


Professional Experiences

    • Deloitte Consulting: partner in charge of strategy projects for the middle market and third sector segments, having leadered more than a hundred projects for more than a hundred clients.

    • Maksen Consulting: Brazilian partner in charge of an European-headquartered consulting company focused on operational excellence projects.

    • Academic field: MBA professor at about ten different academic institutions, having lectured themes like strategy, market intelligence, internationalization, project management, marketing, among others, for more than 5.000 executives.

    • Member of the board of some organizations (AMCHAM committee, Rugby Brazilian Confederation, CEAP NGO etc).

    • Globo, Accenture, Itaú Bank and Promon: relevant experience as an executive/professional of major Brazilian and multinational groups.

    • 2 books and several academic and practical articles published.

Expertise & Skills

  • Strategic planning (public, private, non-profit sectors)

  • Economic/ Financial analysis and modeling

  • Fund raising projects

  • Market intelligence

  • Organizational and process redesign

  • Business plan development

  • M&As and partnerships’ development

  • Turnaround and efficiency initiatives

  • Project management

Expertise Areas

  • Corporate governance

  • Socioeconomic development

  • PPP (Public-Private Partnerships)

  • Regional and cluster economic development

  • Business environment & private sector development

  • Corporate social responsibility

  • Social entrepreneurship