Sustainable & Inclusive Development

Developing economies are growing rapidly, but the benefits of growth are often fragile and unevenly distributed. Persistent poverty and increasing income inequality can lead to political instability and stunted economic growth, especially in the wake of unexpected disruptions that disproportionately impact lower-income populations. Unlocking economic growth will also require smart strategies for overcoming growth obstacles such as natural disasters and the effects of climate change. We need inclusive and sustainable economies that provide economic opportunities for all and allow current – and future – citizens to flourish.

SDA’s development experts work with businesses, investors, and policymakers to identify solutions that balance economic growth, while promoting social inclusion and sustainability. We specialise in supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth across the globe that improves human well-being and avoids environmental degradation.

With deep experience with the Sustainable Development Goals and an understanding of decision–making, we are uniquely positioned to provide grounded and analytically thorough advice on SDGs. Our work straddles public, private and international organisations in developed and developing countries that seek insight in global, national, and regional sustainable development issues. Our team of expert economists bring an appreciation of the preferences and drivers of a wide set of stakeholders and an informed take on the complex dynamics that shape sustainable development at multiple levels in society.

Our Expertise:

    • Integration of SDGs into core strategies. Our cross-cutting expertise on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals allows us to bring value to our clients, including those who are planning to advance the SDGs in their countries, designing specific programs to invest in advancing the SDGs, and seeking to integrate an SDG lens into their business strategies. We have developed an approach to take stock of financing needs for the SDGs at the national level and to plan investment for advancing the SDGs. We have an in-house model that can assess the impact of environmental and economic policy on key economic outcomes in all countries in the world. We have developed a combined national wealth accounting, complexity economics, and policy diagnostics tool that allows policymakers to identify strategies for increasing economic competitiveness and national wealth.

    • Rural development. We support the designing rural-development programs that aim to improve agricultural productivity, increase access to markets, build better infrastructure, and improve the standard of living for small farmers

    • Financial inclusion. We support the expansion of financial-services options and financial inclusion for lower-income households and businesses through new business models and partnerships

    • Transformation management. Through interviews, policy research, and based on our experience, we figure out what is and is not working in the institutional ecosystem for inclusive growth. We create a new vision together with each client, and we build a pathway for change through a participatory process that aligns stakeholder incentives and empowers local champions of the country’s or region’s growth strategy.