Sustainable Agricultural Chains

Simply put, the world needs more food. To support the world's population of nearly 10 billion people in 2050, we will need to increase global agricultural production by 50% compared to 2012. Most experts say this increase will have to come from the southern hemisphere, given its competitive advantage in size arable land, climatic conditions and prospects for sustainability. In addition to providing food and nutritional security, agriculture also drives development - today, the agricultural business - inputs, agricultural production, processing and distribution - represents more than 20% of global GDP and provides livelihoods for more than 2. billion people. people in low- and middle-income countries.

We address challenges such as competitiveness and productivity in the sector, environmental impact and negative socio-environmental externalities inside and outside the rural property, diversification and integration of production systems, access and availability of food, mechanisms and instruments to support family farmers, greenhouse gas emissions, impacts of climate change and resource scarcity. We work closely with governments, donors, foundations, civil society organizations and businesses to design and implement holistic programs that transform the way agricultural systems work.

We help clients transform agricultural systems at scale to sustainably increase productivity, expand access to markets and improve the income of family farmers.

Our Expertise:

    • Analysis of the value chain and sectorial environment to provide a holistic analysis, from the field to the consumer's table, of agricultural production, including commercial crops and livestock, and diversified staple foods in order to identify new opportunities, incorporating the principles of sustainability in its three pillars: economic, social and environmental.

    • Development of business and market entry models to consolidate inclusive supply chains, connect buyers and sellers of agricultural products and allow agricultural actors to enter new markets, considering carbon footprint traceability trends and nutritional quality and food safety.

    • Innovative and inclusive agro-financial analysis to increase public and private investment in farmers, cooperatives and agribusinesses and design financial instruments to support these companies.

    • Development of business models based on information and communications technology to extend financial, marketing and digital business services to remote farmers, ranchers and processors and to facilitate communication within and between agricultural value chains and between these and market agents.

    • Monitoring and evaluation of public policies, programs and funds that support agriculture to ensure that ongoing and future measures and projects have an impact on everyone along the supply chain, in a sustainable and equitable manner.