Urban Mobility Solutions

Electrical Vehicles

The evolution of passenger and cargo transport is inextricably linked to the elimination of fossil fuel combustion, with an improvement in urban air quality and a reduction in operating costs and climate impact. SDA seeks to accelerate this transition, building solutions to:

  1. Private ride drivers: SDA is currently implementing an innovative monthly subscription service for compact electric vehicles at reduced costs. With fixed costs compatible with compact combustion models, SDA vehicles will reduce fueling costs and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90%. Expect more details in the coming months!

  2. Light cargo vehicles for distribution and delivery: SDA is also building a solution for distribution and delivery companies through small utility vehicles with electric motors. In addition to enabling cargo transport of up to 400kg with a range of 200km, SDA vehicles will allow for dramatic reductions in operating costs and associated carbon footprint. SDA plans to implement this service in the second half of 2022.

Efficient Transport Systems

  1. System optimization: includes analysis of origins and destinations, composition and dimensions of fleets, route design and integration.

  2. Complementary Last Mile Solutions: Includes integration of alternative vehicles (such as scooters and bicycles) with associated traffic network analysis (such as bicycle lanes) and usage systems (such as rental and sharing applications)

  3. Improvement of public-private interface: includes design and integration of billing and revenue sharing systems, and concession modeling for integration of private operators