Social Innovation

In a world beset by economic disruption and political upheaval, as well as by the enduring problems of famine, poverty, and disease, there has never been a greater need for fresh thinking.

Social innovation is about applying new approaches, refining existing practices, and bringing powerful tools to bear in solving the world’s most pressing social challenges. Our work seeks to harness the power of collaboration between businesses, governments, nonprofits and social enterprises to address these challenges more effectively, and on a wider scale.

We help donors, foundations, philanthropists, NGOs, social entrepreneurs and agencies to develop and implement strategies for their philanthropic work, and support corporations and investors in their efforts to become more strategic in their social engagement.

What we do

    • Shape social-sector organizations. We help leading and emerging social-sector organizations and individual philanthropists to define their strategic roadmap and create the right organization and operating model to achieve their vision. We also work with family businesses to develop social impact strategies for their companies and their families.

    • Advance corporate social engagement. We work with companies to define and improve their social engagement strategies to secure greater impact for their businesses and for society. We help top global corporations—and many more national and regional enterprises—to reinvent their philanthropic approaches to better align with their business strategies and capabilities.

    • Develop innovative approaches and tools. We develop practices and mechanisms to enhance social innovation, including financial and advocacy models, prizes, and tools for assessing impact. To build our knowledge and contribute to the global debate, we take part in sector-shaping discussions, carry out in-depth research, and publish articles and reports.